Project Description


Director:  Julian S Sherry

Silence explores a decrepit factory during a thunder storm. As we follow the story more the location is revealed to us, and we are able to study the environment. The rain and thunder is loud and echoes across the empty corridors and office spaces. We are introduced to someone laying on the floor, stagnant, we are unsure of his vitality at the current moment. As the storm dies down silence covers the building, we start to focus on the quieter sounds [the drops of rain hitting clothing, the floor, and splashing into puddles]. All feels quiet until a siren of noise starts to emerge, and the sound of thunder returns, even after the storm passes. We reach our climactic moment understanding our environment and the noises were starting to hear again. the droning siren and deafening white noise drowns out the scene and it is revealed that the man sleeping upon the floor is open eyed, and pale in the face, he is dead, as the sirens and bombs from far away continue to reverb throughout the abandoned building.